Tag: Typography

  • Capital 1962 – Mobile Grid (Movie)

    Capital 1962 – Mobile Grid (Movie)

    The “mobile grid” in the economic magazine Capital from 1962 represents a unique approach to editorial design. It was developed by Gerstner with Felix Berman. I remember being mesmerized by some very small reproductions of this work in Eye #43, in a review by Richard Hollis. This was the work that first drew my attention…

  • Programmes de conception – Karl Gerstner

    Programmes de conception – Karl Gerstner

    Find the English edition →here. Die Deutsche Version finden Sie →hier. Certains livres importants n’ont qu’une courte vie. Ils peuvent éclairer un domaine inexploré ou susciter une vague d’intérêt avant de disparaître sur des étagères poussiéreuses. Quelques autres durent, sont évoqués et recommandés d’une génération à l’autre.  Programmes de conception est l’un de ces survivants. Plutôt…

  • 2013 Typographic Wall Calendar Kickstarter

    2013 Typographic Wall Calendar Kickstarter

    The 2013 Typographic Wall Calendar is a project to produce a large (27.56in x 39.37in) printed wall calendar made of 2013 keyboard keys.

  • Space in Writing.

    Space in Writing.

    “a quietly provocative composition thatre-contextualizes the space bar as a functional signifier of emptiness.” Another dear series made with keyboard keys is “Space in Writing.” The first object had this text written on the back: Seventeenwordstodescribeseventeenusedspacebars,arrangedvertically,leftalignedinawhitewoodenframe. So far, I have created six objects in this series. With every object, one space bar is removed from…